Pizza is indeed the national favorite dish, everyone loves pizza, after all!
Calls for a celebration, doesn’t it? So, on this National Pizza Day, here is a recipe for CBD infused Pizza ;)
To begin, whisk together the flour, water, WHF full-spectrum CBD Oil, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl until the dough is compact and no longer sticky. If it's still sticky, add more flour, and if it's coming apart instead of staying together, add more water. Allow it to sit for a few minutes once it's ready.
Sprinkle flour on your work surface to prevent the dough from sticking, then place the dough on top of the flour. If you want a lovely crust, lay out the dough with a rolling pin and turn up the edges of the pizza.
Spread the tomato on top of the dough and season with oregano to taste. Now it's time to add the rest of the ingredients: start with the chopped onion, then the turkey breast, the mushrooms, and finally the bacon bits. Finally, add the cheese.
Preheat the oven to 185°C and bake the pizza for around 10 minutes. Remove the pizza when it's almost done and garnish with CBD Oil on top (optional, since we already added CBD Oil earlier) then sprinkle the cheese on top. Put it in the oven for a few minutes to allow the cheese to melt, and voila! Your CBD pizza is now ready to eat. All that's left to do now is invite some people over and enjoy your scrumptious and amusing lunch.
Wondering where to get the CBD Oil for your pizza?
Check out https://www.whfarms.co/ !