Motherhood is an incredible experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. From sleepless nights to the constant need for patience and understanding, being a mother can be a daunting task. Being a mom means your schedule is packed full of things to do, places to go and people to see. You're constantly on the move, which only increases when you're a bonus mom! But what if there was a way to help you not only through your day-to-day life as a mom, but also keep you feeling good about yourself? CBD oil may be the answer!
Here are some of the challenges that moms face & here’s how CBD can help:
Disturbed Sleep Cycle - CBD oil can help you relax before bed so that it’s easier for you to fall asleep.
Insomnia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - CBD oil can help with sleep by lowering cortisol levels in the body — which is why it is often prescribed for people suffering from these sleep disorders.
Mood Disorders - CBD helps to improve mood by improving serotonin levels in the brain which makes us feel happier and more relaxed when you take it regularly over time as moms.
Postpartum depression - Postpartum depression (PPD) affects about 13% of moms and can last several months after having a baby. CBD can be a promising treatment option for PPD because it has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve moods in patients with anxiety disorders.
Menstruation & PMS - A lot of moms are affected by period problems. It can be difficult to manage your periods and get through the day without feeling tired, moody, or even angry. CBD could help you to manage your period effectively. It helps relieve pain related to menstruation and PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
Brain Fog - As a mom, you need to be on your toes all day long. CBD can help you overcome brain fog, improve memory and concentration, and even make you more creative.
Every day is Mother’s Day, gift yourself a day of relaxation with our CBD Sample Pack and give yourself a little appreciation for doing the hardest job in the world so efficiently.